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Filmes de ciclismo - "The returns"

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Rica Freitas Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 10 Jan 2006
Cotia - SP
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    Postado: 03 Out 2008 as 04:35
Resolvi criar no novo fórum este tópico que fez sucesso e foi polêmico no anterior.
Peço apenas, se possível, que evitem ficar dando dicas de como baixar e/ou comprar os filmes por meios fora dos convencionais, pois assim livramos o PEDAL.COM.BR de problemas com a lei, ok? Wink
Esta semana recebi a primeira edição de MTbike26 e junto com ela recebi um DVD do filme "De Final" e quero fazer alguns comentários:
 - O filme pode ser o precursor de uma série de filmes semelhantes. Deve até despertar interesse pelos bikers em adquirir este tipo de produto, porém agora made in brazil.  
 - São pouco mais de 30 minutos dedicados exclusivamente ao Down Hill, porém com uma produção de qualidade e principalmente muita vontade de seus criadores e dos bikers participantes. (principalmente por ser o primeiro)
 - Existem imagens de ação no Canadá, Rio, Minas, Santa Catarina (posso ter esquecido mais alguma) e com seus respectivos local heroes e as trilhas destas regiões.
 - Nos extras (vale a pena ver) tem imagens de uma prova de DH do Canadá com a presença de Bikers brasileiros e demonstrações dos bikers de lá, o que é bacana do ponto de vista do intercâmbio de técnica, treinos, organização, apoio e o que mais podemos aprender com os gringos.
Quem sabe logo mais teremos filmes brazucas de speed, cross country, BMX...
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caio-maringa Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 25 Out 2007
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Um bom filme de Ciclismo é "O Escocês Voador" (The Flying Scotsman)

Editado por caio-maringa - 03 Out 2008 as 14:55
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Cesar_cwb Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 19 Jan 2008
Curitiba - PR
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Um filme com o Kevin Costner, de 1985, American Flyers (Competição de destinos).

Competição de Destinos é um filme de 1985 estrelando Kevin Costner, David Marshall Grant, Rae Dawn Chong, Alexandra Paul e Janice Rule. Foi dirigido por John Badham e escrito por Steve Tesich, que anteriormente ganhou um Oscar por Melhor Roteiro Original pelo filme de 1979 Breaking Away, com mesmo tema.

O time da marca 7-Eleven, que participa do filme, realmente existiu, e competia no Tour de France nos anos 80. Este passou a ser patrocinado pela Motorola. Muitas das cenas de corrida foram filmadas no Coors Classic, uma já extinta corrida de etapas que era um dos eventos dominantes de ciclismo no período do filme. 2 etapas na competição do filme, o circuito Morgul-Bismarck em Boulder e o "Tour of the Moon" no Colorado National Monument, foram memoráveis etapas da Coors Classic.

O ciclista lendário Eddy Merckx fez uma breve aparição no filme, e também Jennifer Grey.

fonte: Wikipedia
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bsasdelli Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 17 Jan 2008
Riverside - CA
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Citar Um filme bom de Ciclismo é "O Escocês Voador" (The Flying Scotsman)

Também gostei deste filme. Tem um outro bem antigo mas é legalzinho "Breaking Away".
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Edilcimar Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 23 Mai 2008
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Até onde sei, o apelido "Escocês voador" deve-se a Jim Clark, corredor imbatível (no seu tempo) de fórmula 1, que tinha uma precisão absoluta em todas as curvas e que quando dizia que passaria a 140km a 5cm da beira da pista qualquer um poderia ir lá e medir que ele estaria correto. O cara morreu numa reta, sem que até hoje alguém desse uma explicação sobre a sua morte, se foi suicído, sabotagem ou falha mecânica. Agora pergunto, será que este apelido do ciclista é uma cópia do apelido do famoso corredor de F1?
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luismendes Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 24 Abr 2008
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A Viagem, de Fernando Solanas

Não assisti o filme.. mas rolou num festival aqui em SP faz pouco tempo, qdo vi a foto de um cara viajando de bike no folheto programação do festival fiquei doido.. já tinha passado a exibição,.. e de graça !!
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Rica Freitas Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 10 Jan 2006
Cotia - SP
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Faz tempo que leio recomendações do Flying Scotsman, vou procurar com certeza, além dos demais que recomendarem por aqui.
Acabei falando só do "De Final" mas a galera do XC curte tbem o "Off Road to Athens".
Será que vai sair algum do tipo "Off Road to Beijing"?
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LucianoLS Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 07 Set 2008
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O "O Escocês Voador" é ótimo. E ainda mais legal para quem acompanhava o ciclismo naquela época. Lembro quando sairam as notícias sobre a quebra do recorde da hora pelo Obree, com uma bike feita em casa, e ainda resaltavam: "usando peças de uma máquina de lavar". Sempre fiquei tentando imaginar que tipo de peça ele conseguiu aproveitar! Tongue

E o American Flyers é muito massa. Acho que foi depois desse filme que eu realmente passei a curtir bikes. Ele força bastante a amizade com o carinha ganhando a prova em cima dos profissionais, mas o visual da prova é matador!!

Editado por LucianoLS - 05 Out 2008 as 21:16
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corredor_x Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 01 Mai 2006
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E desenho animado também vale?
Eu estou assistindo "Over Drive", uma animacao japonesa muito engracada que tem o patrocínio da Shimano, Trek e Pearl Izumi. O desenho retrata a iniciacao de um adolescente japones no ciclismo de estrada.
Na mesma linha tem o "Andalusia no Natsu", que se passa na Espanha.

Editado por corredor_x - 27 Out 2008 as 23:37
Sent from my Road bike
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Kazu Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 30 Out 2003
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
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Um filme, que apesar de não ter a ver com ciclismo, mas que gostei muito foi o ET. Aquela cena do pessoal fugindo com suas bikes aro 20 e com o ET na cestinha me emociona até hoje.
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Zaka Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 01 Nov 2005
Caxias do Sul - RS
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Publiquei hoje no blog uma relação de dois sites com um monte de filmes.

No Cycling Films há uma relação de 177 filmes e no Bicycle Movies outro tanto.

O post com os links é esse:

Non est ad magna facilis ascensus.
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Zaka Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 01 Nov 2005
Caxias do Sul - RS
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Encontrei um filme que não está nessas relações. Chama-se Gino Bartali, L'intramontabile (O Eterno) Abaixo uma descrição (em inglês).

The movie is titled:Gino Bartali - L’intramontabile (IMDB link) and follows Gino Bartali’s life as one of the great Italian Cycling Champions of the 40s and 50s. Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi were the two main Italian protagonists of the 40s and 50s. The cyclist personal lives were followed closely since they were on the same level as movie stars in Italy.

Bartali was known the the more religious and devout Champion when compared to Fausto Coppi who was a little more freewheeling. Bartali had the right wing support while Coppi had the left. These two had a tremendous rivalry that helped inspire Italy during the post World War II era.

Bartali’s fame and influence was so great that he even prevented a civil war from breaking out in Italy when he won the Tour de France in 1948 (read more about it) which was a full ten years after his previous Tour win.

Lying in bed that night, the telephone rang for Bartali. A man of iron discipline, Bartali did not take such calls lightly. On the other end of the line was Alcide de Gaspari, a Deputy in the Italian Christian Democratic Party.

- “Gino”, he said, sounding worried, “we need you”.

Alcide seemed nervous: a few days earlier, Palmiro Togliatti, Secretary of the Communist Party had been wounded in a shooting, and Italy was on the edge of widespread civil insurrection, perhaps even a civil war.

- “Gino, we need you”
- “But what can I do? I’m here to race the next stage of the Tour de France, not to come home to Italy”
- “Exactly”, said de Gaspari. “You can do a lot by winning a stage. If you win it, it will create a diversion. It will motivate people towards happier feelings. A distraction. Believe me - we need it.”

Gino pondered what his friend had said. Earlier in the race his wife had telephoned him from Florence, after the assassination attempt on Togliatti. She had sounded deeply worried.

- “Listen”, replied Bartali. “I will do even better than that. I will win the whole race.”

Even my Grandmother still raves about the times when she would see Coppi and Bartali race near our hometown in Calabria.

The main actor does not resemble Bartali in this film which is odd since RAI were able to get a Pantani look alike and a Fausto Coppi look alike for their respective movies.

Watch the movie through RAIClick - of course it is in Italian.

Non est ad magna facilis ascensus.
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Astana154 Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 28 Ago 2009
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Ola galera eu vi um filme de ciclismo uma vez mais eu naum sei o nome mais eu amei o filme que eu me lembre fala de dois irmaos que entram em uma competiçao mais um deles esta doente e na penultima etapa se nao me engano esse kra passa mal mais o outro irmao mais novo esta disputando a liderança geral com um rival deles os tres ( os dois irmaos e o rival) eram o 1°2°3°colocados sei que no final o mais novo ganha o titulo que eu naum sei qual é
uma cena que eu naum esqueço é deles treinando com um cachorro que persegue eles em um ritmo bom o irmao mais velho diz que ele é um amigo de treino
Se puderem me ajudar a saber que filme é este eu agradeço
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Lucas_nc Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 25 Set 2009
Curitiba - PR
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Nunca vi nenhum filme de ciclismo, acho que vou baixar algum
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William Buril Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 28 Fev 2005
Brazlândia - DF
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Astana154, o filme do qual voce está falando é o Competição de Destinos, com o Kevin Costner.
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Astana154 Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 28 Ago 2009
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Valeu William Buril muito obrigado !!!!!
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poneis Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 09 Abr 2009
São Paulo - SP
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Originalmente postado por corredor_x corredor_x escreveu:

E desenho animado também vale?
Eu estou assistindo "Over Drive", uma animacao japonesa muito engracada que tem o patrocínio da Shimano, Trek e Pearl Izumi. O desenho retrata a iniciacao de um adolescente japones no ciclismo de estrada.
Na mesma linha tem o "Andalusia no Natsu", que se passa na Espanha.

O overdrive é bem legal, até fui atrás dos mangás impressos, pois a animação só cobre uma parte da série. No começo nem botei muita espectativa, mas depois gostei bastante. Tem com legendas em inglês ou espanhol no youtube.

andalusia no natsu também vi, é uma curta. Não gostei muito, achei que ficou meio "jogado".

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Ironman Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 25 Dez 2005
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Como consigo estes filmes sem precisar baixar? Minha net é discada.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="" /></a>

Meu canal no YouTube: Fabio Aiello - Germania
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luciano ramos Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 27 Jan 2004
sao paulo - sp
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Para mim, não há nada mais bem feito do que a trilogia "The Collective"
Assisti a primeira vez no stand na Shimano no salão duas rodas de 2007 (se não me engano o ano). Depois que consegui comprar os 3 filmes, pelo menos 1 deles está sempre no DVD de casa.
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Nelson_Aki Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 06 Nov 2005
São Paulo/SP
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Originalmente postado por poneis poneis escreveu:

O overdrive é bem legal, até fui atrás dos mangás impressos, pois a animação só cobre uma parte da série. No começo nem botei muita espectativa, mas depois gostei bastante. Tem com legendas em inglês ou espanhol no youtube.

andalusia no natsu também vi, é uma curta. Não gostei muito, achei que ficou meio "jogado".

Fora esse overdrive não tem mais anime sobre bicicleta? Baixei esse desenho faz um tempo mas ainda não deu tempo de assistir, muito anime pra pouco tempo. LOL

Aquele golden boy é sobre o que a história? Eu vi no youtube ele de bicicleta correndo contra uma moto, viagem total... a música Bicycle race na versão dessa Blumchen até que ficou legal pra quem gosta de tecno. Link do vídeo

O andalusia no natsu parece que está mais pra mostra como é os esquemas de corridas de ciclismo do que um desenho com história rs.
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Nelson_Aki Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 06 Nov 2005
São Paulo/SP
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Um filme que eu vejo novamente de vez em nunca é o Quicksilver com o Kevin Bacon, mostra um pouco os courriers doidos lá dos EUA, mas o filme é antigo (1986).
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lamanacara Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 26 Jun 2010
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competiçoes de detinos com kevin costner
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vespa10 Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 14 Jul 2010
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Este é muito bom :
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brteles Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 06 Jan 2010
Maricá - RJ
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Entre os meus favoritos eu colocaria o The Coletive - Sessions (2008), Vast (2010), Virtuous (2008).

Agora se for filme americano o QuickSilver é bem legal.... Um filme de 1986 com o Kevin Bacon. Conta a vida de um investidor da bolsa, que quebra e vira entregador de encomendas sobre uma bike. Acho legal uma cena em que o cara está mechendo em um cubo e comentam a grande inovação usual... o quickrelease... Como vemos o filme é de 86. Reparem nas bikes em boa parte single speed!


KHS Alite 3000 - 2012, SLX/XT, Manitou R7 MRD, Everest XC, Ritchey WCS, Tompsom Elite, Maxxis Larsen Mimo.
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marco-sc Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 23 Ago 2009
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Originalmente postado por Astana154 Astana154 escreveu:

Ola galera eu vi um filme de ciclismo uma vez mais eu naum sei o nome mais eu amei o filme que eu me lembre fala de dois irmaos que entram em uma competiçao mais um deles esta doente e na penultima etapa se nao me engano esse kra passa mal mais o outro irmao mais novo esta disputando a liderança geral com um rival deles os tres ( os dois irmaos e o rival) eram o 1°2°3°colocados sei que no final o mais novo ganha o titulo que eu naum sei qual é
uma cena que eu naum esqueço é deles treinando com um cachorro que persegue eles em um ritmo bom o irmao mais velho diz que ele é um amigo de treino
Se puderem me ajudar a saber que filme é este eu agradeço

ja vi um pedaço desse filme
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Joao_Batista Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 20 Set 2010
Contagem / BH
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Caraca, três classicos, os três melhores filmes sobre bike que já vi, e nunca mais vi denovo...LOL:
 Quicksilver com o Kevin Bacon, Competição de destinos (American Flyers) com Kevin Costner e  O Escocês voador (The Flying Scotsman);
Agora se o lance é filme tipo clip, a série Kranked, da Radical filmes é muito bom, tenho 8 dvds. Não sei quantos são ao todo, cada um dura em média 50 min, e são sempre filmados nos lugares mais irados do planeta. Tem muitas senas de Down Hill e de Free Hide, mas tem alguns lances de biketrial também. Vale a pena ver várias vezes, e sempre com Rock´n Roll no fundo.
o Kranked 7 é um dos que mais gosto, mas é bem dificil escolher:
Um abraço.

Editado por Joao_Batista - 28 Set 2010 as 02:02
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poneis Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 09 Abr 2009
São Paulo - SP
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Recentemente assisti mais alguns filmes:

beijing bicycle: Fala de um jovem humilde, que veio do interior rural da china para a cidade. Ele recebe um emprego de entregador e já ganha uma bicicleta, que deve pagar com um mês de trabalho. No último dia em que deveria quitar a dívida, tem a bike furtada. Aí começa a saga dele, a procura da bike perdida. Senti toda a agonia de ter uma bike tirada de mim, muito bom o filme, um dos melhores que assisti sobre o tema.

Nasu suitcase no wataridori (anime): Fala sobre uma equipe européia que corre o japan cup. Apesar de ser curto, é um belo anime sobre ciclismo de estrada, belas animações. Quem gosta ou corre precisa assistir. 

messenger (1999): Filme japonês sobre uma empresa de bike messengers, que está à beira da falência, mas tem uma súbita reviravolta quando uma mulher atropela um dos seus integrantes. 
Os melhores mecânicos para a sua bike:
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marcos_netto Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 02 Ago 2007
Canoas - RS
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Originalmente postado por Nelson_Aki Nelson_Aki escreveu:

Um filme que eu vejo novamente de vez em nunca é o Quicksilver com o Kevin Bacon, mostra um pouco os courriers doidos lá dos EUA, mas o filme é antigo (1986).
Antigo? 1986?...
Pelo referencial da gurizada... Acho que tô ficando velho...
A próxima etapa é começar a falar só de pessoas que já morreram... LOL LOL LOL
Marcos Netto


"The less you think about the bike the more you will enjoy the ride!"

Twitter: (a)marcosnetto
Instagram: 1marcosnetto
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rafamtb Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 16 Jan 2008
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Klunkerz: a film about mountain bike : muito bom mostra os primórdios do MTB com várias entrevistas de quem viveu a época..
Off Road to Athens: Bem legal também,demonstra a "batalha" das atletas da equpe americana de MTB para ir aos Jogos Olímpicos de Atenas.
Overcoming: Mostra o dia-a-dia da CSC durante o Tour de France de 2004.
Hollentour/Hell on Wheels: Mostra o dia-a-dia da T-Mobile durante o Tour de 2003
A Sunday in Hell - Retrata a Paris Roubaix de 76
A throw of the dice: Pequeno documentário sobre as conquistas e a lesão do "Leão de Flandres" Johan Museeuw na Paris Roubaix.Muito bem feito apesar dos seus curtos 14 minutos.
Tem o do Pantani também que foi produzido pela TV Italiana RAI, mas não lembro o nome agora...acho que é "Marco Pantani: The man,The myth, the legend"
Depois posto mais alguns aqui.

Editado por rafamtb - 25 Set 2010 as 16:03
"Quanto mais rapido eu for mais rápido a agonia acaba"
Marco Pantani
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danielbns Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 25 Dez 2005
Rio de Janeiro
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po eu tenho uns 70gb de filmes de bike no PC, eu prefiro ver filme mais de street e park, mas um filme clássico de bike freeride é o JIB.

de downhill curto os earthed

o 4 tem uns trechos no brasil tanto do wc qnto com o markolf

bem maneiro de street com uma edição bem legal:

Editado por danielbns - 26 Set 2010 as 16:32
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kako Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 17 Abr 2004
- Itu-SP
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  Há um filme bem bom sobre o Chris Eatough o 24 horas solo , eu comprei esse filme já tem alguns anos :

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tarsomori Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 18 Ago 2010
Rio de Janeiro
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"A dor passa e seus frutos ficam." TM.
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FabioLS Ver Drop Down


Cadastrado em: 12 Set 2010
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Chain Smoke.. um tremendo filme!
Acredito que o primeiro..
Shaum Palmer, Tinker Juarez, Missy Giove, Alison Sydor e outros!
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Paulo_Amaral Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 13 Set 2010
S. Bárbara - SP
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Ladrões de Bicicleta (Ladri di Biciclette, 1948)

Não é exatamente sobre ciclismo, mas a bicicleta é parte fundamental no enredo.

A história se passa logo após a Segunda Grande Guerra, com a Itália destruída e o povo passando necessidade. Ricci (Lamberto Maggiorani) consegue um emprego após muita espera. Só que esse emprego, de colador cartazes na rua, lhe pedia como obrigação uma bicicleta. Ricci e sua mulher Maria (Lianella Carell) conseguem um dinheiro para uma, possibilitando que ele realize o seu trabalho. Há também o menino Bruno (Enzo Staiola), filho do casal. Fascinado por bicicletas, o menino cai de cabeça com o pai na busca pela bicicleta que lhes foi roubada, quando Ricci trabalhava apenas em seu primeiro dia.

Direção de Vittorio de Sicca.
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Rodrigo Dutra Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 11 Mai 2009
Foz do Iguaçu
Opções da Mensagem Opções da Mensagem   Agradecimentos (0) Agradecimentos(0)   Citar Rodrigo Dutra Citar  ResponderResponder Link direto para este Post Postado: 08 Dez 2010 as 01:52
  Com as dicas do Rafa, fui atrás e acabei de assistir "Hell on Wheels", ótimo documentário sobre a equipe t-mobile no inesquecível Tour de France de 2003. Olha, é de arrepiar. Filme super recomendado para quem gosta dos bastidores da maior prova ciclística do planeta.  A preparação para a prova, o esforço sobrehumano nas montanhas, as imagens históricas, o drama dos desistentes, o acidente do Beloki e a queda do Lance, tudo está lá com a visão dos protagonistas, além das belíssimas imagens da França. Simplesmente espetacular.
                                                                                                      Valeu Rafa.
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Zo Ver Drop Down

Cadastrado em: 24 Abr 2009
São Paulo
Opções da Mensagem Opções da Mensagem   Agradecimentos (1) Agradecimentos(1)   Citar Zo Citar  ResponderResponder Link direto para este Post Postado: 26 Fev 2011 as 02:10
2 Seconds (1998)
Laurie, a downhill racer gets fired because of her slight overindulgence in irresponsibility. She meets Lorenzo, a cranky, ex-racer who owns a bike shop. The two become friends. Laurie gets a job with a local bicycle courier company, but the group is intent on shutting her out of their circles, making her life difficult and sad.
2 Seconds
24 Solo: One Man's Quest for a 7th World Title (2007)
24 Solo follows the gut-wrenching story of Chris Eatough on his quest for a 7th World Title in the unforgiving discipline of 24 Hour Solo mountain bike racing. In the face of increased pressure from sponsors, new competitors to the sport and a pregnant wife, Chris focuses his entire season on one race. Dark horse Australian National Champion, Craig Gordon challenges Chris to a level of intensity and exhaustion that leaves one rider with severe blood poisoning.
(available from the 24 Solo web site)
2 seconds
60 Cycles (1965) -- Dir: Jean-Claude Labrecque
The eleventh St-Laurent long-distance bicycle race, in 1965, with participants from thirteen countries, and with 2 400 km of the Québec Gaspé countryside to cover in twelve days--a course longer than those of Italy, Belgium or Spain. With the curving landscape of this most picturesque province as backdrop, you see here a sports event where the challenge seems more personal than competitive.
(available from the National Film Board of Canada on VHS)
El Amateur (2000) -- Dir: Juan Bautista Stagnaro
Anything is possible if you have the heart! Alberto"Pajaro" Romero (Mauricio Dayub), a young man marginalized from society, is given a shot at glory when he tries to enter the Guinness Book of Word Records: He has to peddle 130 hours on his bicycle over the course of six days, with 20-minute rests every four hours! When he's not on his bike, Alberto pals around with his best buddy Lopecito (Vando Villamil), a meatpacker, and lusts after La Mora (Alejandra Puy), an attractive circus acrobat. You will laugh, cry, and be inspired by the struggle of an average Joe chasing after legendary recognition with the help of a loyal best friend and his true love. Todo es posible cuando le ponemos corazón! Alberto "Pájaro" Romero, un joven marginal, es dado la oportunidad de entrar el libro Guinness de los récords mundiales al pedalear 130 horas en su bicicleta durante 6 días, descansando 20 minutos cada cuatro horas! Cuando no monta su bicicleta Alberto está con su mejor amigo Lopecito, o sino con La Mora, una atractiva acróbata de circo. Usted reirá, llorará y se inspirará por la lucha de este simple mortal que busca un reconocimiento legendario con la ayuda de su mejor amigo y su gran amor. In Spanish With English Subtitles.
(text taken from
El Amateur
American Flyers (1985)
Sports physician Marcus persuades his unstable brother David to come with him and train for a bicycle race across the Rocky Mountains. He doesn't tell him that he has a cerebral tumor. While David powerfully heads for the victory, Marcus has to realize that the contest is now beyond his capabilities. Features great views of the Rockies and an insight in the tactics of bicycle races.
Note: Eddy Merckx is present (albeit briefly) to start the "Hell of the West" race.
Beasts of Burden (1993) -- not available
It depicts the hard side of the bike messenger's life and society. It may be realism, with emphasis on the unhappy side, but it certainly makes you want to avoid that life. It shows drugs and alcohol, insufficient money, an alienated approach to living, a very hard job.
Beijing Bicycle (2001)
Beijing: young men in packs, machismo, class divisions, violence, and indifference. Guei arrives from the country: toothbrushes, hotel foyers, and Qin, a rich neighbor in high heels, dazzle him. He gets a job as a messenger. The company issues him a bike, which he must pay for out of his wages. When it is stolen, Guei hunts for it. A student, Jian, has it; for him, it's the key to teen society - with his pals and with Xiao, a girl he fancies. Guei finds the bike and stubbornly tries to reclaim it in the face of great odds. But for Jian to lose the bike would mean humiliation. The two young men - and the people around them - are swept up in the youths' desperation.
Bicycle Corps: America's Black Army on Wheels (2000)
At the end of the 19th century, many military experts believed that the bicycle could replace the horse as a means of transporting troops. The colored 25th Infantry was chosen to test that theory. On June 14 1897 a small group of African-American soldiers, led by white officers and accompanied by a local newspaper reporter, departed Fort Missoula, Montana. Forty-one days and over 1,900 miles later, they reached their destination--St. Louis, Missouri--after traveling over every possible type of rugged terrain and enduring every kind of bad weather. This documentary film looks at how the Bicycle Corps came into being, and details the progress and hardships of their amazing journey.
Bicycle Corps
Bicycle Dreams (2009)
The Race Across America is an epic, 3000-mile bicycle race from the Pacific to the Atlantic. First held in 1982, RAAM is considered the most challenging sporting event in the world. Top riders finish in under 10 days, riding over 300 miles per day and sleeping only a few hours per night. Amid the sleepless grind, riders must endure the searing heat of the Mojave Desert, the agonizing climbs and descents of the Rockies, the driving winds of the Great Plains, and the twisting switchbacks of the Appalachians before the final sprint to the finish line in Atlantic City. With little prize money at stake, the fundamental goal of the race is simply to finish, a challenge half of all riders fail to meet.
(visit the Bicycle Dreams website)
Bicycle Dreams
Bicycle Thief (1948)
Antonio Ricci, unemployed for over two years, is overjoyed when he's finally given a job putting up posters. There's a catch, though - he needs a bicycle as a requirement of the job, so he pawns the family linen to get a pawned bicycle back. He goes off to his first day's work, truly happy for the first time in years - and the title of the film gives away what happens next...
BMX Bandits (1983) -- not available
Two BMX expert bikers and a friend of theirs (Kidman) become entangled with a group of bank robbers after discovering a carton of walkie-talkies.
A Boy, A Girl, and a Bike (1949)
When a local cycle club, invite a couple of new members to join them, little do the club realise, that they will soon be involved in a couple of illegal bookmakers putting the squeeze on the son of one of the Members, a stolen bike, a deserting soldier on the run from the police, and a love triangle, that's bound to lead to trouble. During the late 40's and the early 50's, there seem to be hundreds of these clubs. This film shows a fascinating look at a North Country mill town, with a refreshing absence of traffic jams, yellow lines , traffic wardens, and other things we have become accustomed to seeing on our roads today. (more)
A Boy, a Girl, and a Bicycle
Breaking Away (1979)
One reviewer subtitled it, the Boy Who Wanted to be Italian. The Stollers only child has graduated high school and (along with three friends) must decide what to do with his life. He won a bike in the year before opening scene and has become very good at racing, winning all the local trophies. His heroes are the Cinzano racing team from Italy. He begins listening to operas, learning Italian, and finally shaving his legs to cut down wind resistance. All of this is driving his father crazy. He even pretends to be an Italian exchange student when he meets a college girl. Set in the area around Indiana University, it dwells on the alienation between the college students and the locals, who are called 'Cutters' (as in Stone Cutters). How the four Cutters take on the fraternities in the yearly bike race, earning not only the college students' respect, but their peers as well is the focal point of the film. Summary written by John Vogel.
Interesting info tid-bit: One of the riders on the Italian team is Champaign-Urbana's own Chris Gutowski (who now operates VeloVacations in the sounth of France).
Breaking Away (1980 - 1981, TV series starring Shawn Cassidy) -- not available
This failed TV series was a direct spinoff of the very successful movie (Barrie, Haley and Ashton continued their roles). Four buddies live in Bloomington IN, facing life as working class "cutters" in a college town. Focus is on Dave and his $1200 La Strada bike.
Contested Streets (2006)
"Contested Streets" Explores the history and culture of New York City streets from pre-automobile times to the present. Central to the story is a comparison of New York to what is experienced in London, Paris and Copenhagen and how limiting automobile use has improved air quality, minimized noise pollution and enriched commercial, recreational and community interaction. London's congestion pricing scheme, Paris's BRT (bus rapid transit) and Copenhagen's bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are all examined in depth. 57 minutes
(visit the Contested Streets web-site)
Contested Streets
La Course en Tete (Head of the Field)
This outstanding film follows Belgian cycling star Eddy Merckx at the peak of his career through Europe's best races. "A glorious study of a rider who dominated an entire cycling generation... A must-see for cyclists of all ages. It's inspirational: a study in determination for some viewers and much needed classroom instruction for others. Overall, it's a fine piece of alternative entertainment." - Bicycle Guide
Straight from the
WCP archives, an eye-popping, jaw-dropping show that will leave you in pain. You'll see crashes from the Tour de France, the Giro d'Italia, the Spring Classics, and even crashes from the 50s and 60s! Here are some of the worst sprint crashes ever recorded, including Abdoujaparov's unforgettable crash on the finish line of the Tour de France: he looks like a rag doll sliding accross the pavement. Plus, Jalabert's crash at the Tour, which left a policeman with a broken leg. How about Hincapie going head over heels into a ditch at Roubaix, Gianni Bugno punching a fan with his bike wheel, and Andy Hampsten punching a fan with his fist on his way up Alpe d'Huez? Eddy Merckx runs over a dog, riders run into cars, and more. In glorious color, full speed and slow motion. 85 minutes.
The Cyclist (1987, Iran)
The wife of Nasim, an Afghan immigrant in Iran, is gravely ill. He needs money to pay for her care, but his day labor digging wells does not pay enough. A friend connects Nasim to a two-bit promoter who sells tickets to watch Nasim ride a bicycle continuously for a week. The promoter brings in sick and aged spectators, haranguing them to find hope in Nasim's strength. Aided by his son, who feeds him as he rides, Nasim grinds out the days and shivering nights. Local officials believe this may be a plot and Nasim may be a spy; they try to sabotage him as do those who bet he won't finish the week. Will desperation alone get Nasim the money? Is any triumph an illusion?
The Day I Became a Woman (2000, Iran)
This is the story of women at three stages of life in Iran. The first part centers on a young girl on her ninth birthday who is told that she can no longer play with the boys she had been playing with only the day before because she is now a "woman". Told from the perspective of a nine year old "woman" who does not feel like or know what that label refers to, we see how devastatingly this affects both the girl and the boy with whom she had been friends. The second part is about a young woman who decides to enter a bicycle race against her husband's wishes. As first the husband and then increasing numbers of men from the village ride beside her to convince her to return home, the race begins to symbolize a freedom she desperately wants from the limitations which have been placed on her. Finally, the third part shows us an old woman who has come into some money and is now free to do what she wants. The way she chooses to use this freedom, however, makes one wonder just how free she is.
A Day Out (1972) (TV) -- not available
Alan Bennett's first work for television is a beautiful, simple picture of a Halifax cycling club's outing to Bolton Abbey in the summer of 1911. It is a hot summer day, and not much happens - but the play is packed with incident as the club members from across the social spectrum interact with each other and the locals they meet. the naive optimism is countered by a brief epitaph in 1919, as the survivors of the World War commemorate the dead. The black and white drama is doubly nostalgic, not only with the near perfect portrait of 1911 Yorkshire, but also of the high-quality early efforts of Bennett and Stephen Frears at the beginning of their careers over 30 years ago. Well worth watching. (Dir: Stephen Frears)
Emmanuel's Gift (2005) (Doc)
This film chronicles the life of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a young Ghanaian man born with a severely deformed right leg, who today, against incalculable odds, is opening minds, hearts and doors-and effecting social and political change throughout his country. Emmanuel begins his quest with a bicycle ride, over 600 kilometers, across Ghana with one leg-and continues to spread his vision with grit and resolve. Lisa Lax and Nancy Stern have been documenting Emmanuel's plight for over a year, having shot over 100 hours of powerful imagery. The film includes original footage shot in Ghana, California, Oregon and New York, as well as photographs and other acquired film/video of Emmanuel's early years. Through it all, they have created an intimate insight into the mind and heart of a visionary whose unforgettable journey transcends continents and cultures and becomes each of ours to share. (paraphrased from
Fausto Coppi Story / Jacques Anquetil: the Man, the Mystery, the Legend
World Cycling Productions' DVD of The Fausto Coppi Story / Jacques Anquetil is a combined edition of two programs on one DVD; each program had previously been sold separately on VHS. This DVD "double feature" offers an interesting documentary look at two of the legends of professional bicycle racing: the Italian Fausto Coppi and the French Jacques Anquetil. (from
The Flying Scotsman (2006)
The Flying Scotsman is a feature film based on the remarkable true story of Scottish cyclist Graeme Obree (played by Johnny Lee Miller). In 1993, and as an unemployed amateur, Obree broke the world one-hour record on a bike of his own revolutionary design, which he constructed out of old BMX frames, scrap metal and parts of a washing machine. His record was beaten by Chris Boardman just one week later.He went on to regain the title a year later. (read about Graeme Obree on wikipedia)
Ghislan Lambert's Bicycle (Le Vélo de Ghislain Lambert) (2001)
In the 70s, there was Merckx and there were the others. Ghislain Lambert was one of the others. This is his story, a quite simple one. The story of a modest Belgian bike racer. His greatest ambition in life? To become a champion. His greatest tragedy? Not having the legs his heart deserves.
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Story of the 1974 Giro d'Italia
Made more than 20 years ago, this brilliant documentary shows the majestic beauty that is the Giro d'Italia. It's said that Eddy Merckx's Molteni boss wept like a child in the arms of his beaming star, who went on to win cycling's magical triple crown by taking the Tour de France and the World Championships. Experience the riders' anguish and joy; the organizers' difficulties; and the adoring tifosi's passion. With stunning cinematography, this epic film goes inside the Giro's heart and soul, from its opening sequence of the Pope blessing the riders through Merckx's awesome battle with Gimondi to win his fifth Giro by a mere 12 seconds, equaling the record held by Alfredo Binda and Fausto Coppi. This cinematic masterpiece might be the greatest ever made on bicycle racing.
Hammer and Cycle (2004)
“Hammer and Cycle: The Habitat for Humanity Bicycle Challenge Documentary” weaves together the accounts of four riders as they endure myriad difficulties and celebrate thrilling triumphs with the entire HBC crew. While they wear the same jersey and ride for the same cause, these four Challengers reflect the genuine diversity that the Habitat Bicycle Challenge embodies. (more)
Hammer and Cycle
In this documentary over ten women are chosen to make a commentary on female athletic performance. Over a period of 2 seasons, HARDIHOOD examines female downhill mountain bike racers. Beginning with Monday and ending on Sunday; animation's, weather reports, and the girls daily process, honor the seven successive days (1 week). Join Missy Giove, Marla Streb, Jacquie Phelan, and other brave women in their natural environment: the dirt. Some of them, like Missy and Marla, take on the pro downhill mountain biking circuit - flying down steep, gnarly trails at 50+ mph on tricked out custom bikes. When they're not racing, they endure the tedium of travel, training, hanging out...
(check out the official Har-di-Hood web site)
Hard Road
THE HARD ROAD follows a first year professional cycling team through an entire season, documenting their struggle to pursue a dream at any cost. While the canvas of the film is the gritty subculture of American professional bike racing, what arises are issues of loyalty, integrity, commitment, and self-knowledge in a singularly self- sufficient world in which justice is meted out by the sport itself. Follow the riders into their homes and hotel rooms; along in the van and behind the scenes of the races for an inside look at their camaraderie and triumphs, as well as their disappointments, hardship and sacrifices. Two grizzled veterans mentor six rookies, as they try to break into the ultra-elite hierarchy that is pro cycling. For the team, financial reward, a certain future and social normalcy are some of the things that must be sacrificed in exchange for a soul-deep engagement with something essential in themselves.
(check out "The Hard Road" web page)
Hollentour (Hell on Wheels) (2004)
The world's most famous bicycle race, Le Tour de France, celebrated its 100th birthday in 2003. Pepe Danquart's film records the centenary race in all its glory and its harsh reality - the fierce competition, the pain, the courage, as well as the triumphs - all of it set against the spectacular beauty of the French countryside. The film also surveys the genesis and history of the race, and looks at the gigantic organisation behind it.
Pepe Danquart won an Oscar in 1994 for his short film, BLACK RIDER. His other documentaries, including HOMEGAME (2000), have won many other awards. 

Hugo's Magic Pump -- not available
Hugo is the winningest 6-day racer in Italy, beating everyone, including the Mafia's 'Fixed' riders. To stop losing gambling moneys, the Mafia decides to wear Hugo down by throwing beautiful women at him, hoping to reduce his endurance and stamina. This Adult movie from the late 70's was Competitive Cycling Magazine's choice for best cycling footage in the era before 'Breaking Away'.

(does anyone own a copy of this? will you make me a copy? e-mail me)

Hugos Magic Pump 
The Impossible Hour (1968)
Follow Danish racing star Ole Ritter as he tries to regain his record for the hour ride. He had set the record in 1968, only to have it shattered by Eddy Merckx in 1972. A film about human limits and the quest for the heroic. Directed by Jorgen Leth.
(currently available from World Cycling with "Stars and Watercarriers")
Into the Thunder Dragon (featuring Kris Holm)'s newest video from the talented filmmaker Sean White, featuring unicycling masters Kris Holm and Nathan Hoover. Men's Journal (Dec 2005 issue) names Into The Thunder Dragon one of the 20 best adventure DVDs of all time, alongside such films as Brad Pitt's A River Runs Through it and Touching the Void.
Joe E Brown, 6 Day Racer (1934) -- not available
A 1940's bike messenger wins the big 6-day race. A hard to find B/W film from the 40's. Lots of 6-day footage, starring era comedian, Joe E Brown. (AKA "6 Day Bike Rider") -- posters available through
6 Day Bike Racer
Jour de Fete (1949)
Once a year the fair comes for one day to the little town 'Sainte-Severe-sur-Indre'. All inhabiters are scoffing at Francois, the postman, what he seems not to recognize. The rising of the flagstaff under his direction nearly leads into a catastrophy - but everybody tells him, how important his work is. Sneering up Francois continues in the evening of the festive day. Made drunk, some 'friends' persuade him to watch a short-movie in a tent. This film is a stunt-show, covered as 'The modern delivery-techniques of the US-post. Francois takes it serious, not recognizing being teased. Next day, after getting sober in a goods wagon, he reorganizes his own delivery-methods. He has not the equipment, as his ideals in the short-movie have, but using only his bicycle, he makes good, funny progresses.
Klunkerz (2006)
Klunkerz is a fast-moving documentary that traces the global rise of mountain biking from it’s Marin County roots, a gonzo sport long favored by fearless iconoclasts. An outgrowth of the Bay Area’s late-’60s early-’70s hippy counterculture, mountain biking got its start right in MVFF’s backyard. Pot-smoking adrenaline junkies from Mill Valley, Larkspur and surrounding towns took their pre-World War II bicycles known as klunkerz due to their fat tires to the top of Mt. Tamalpais. Then hurled themselves down dirt paths, risking life and limb in search of a killer high. People formed amateur bike leagues and tricked-out their two-wheelers with junkyard finds; spectacular wipe-outs made local guys national legends, and this mud-splattered hobby became an international craze and Olympic sport. Archival footage, rare photos and interviews with klunkerz trailblazers merge in this terrific film that races downhill toward mountain-bike bliss. Starring: Joe Breeze, Gary Fisher, Alan Bonds, Charlie Kelly, Tom Ritchey, Russ Mahon, Bob Burrowes, Wende Cragg, Charlie Cunningham, Otis Guy, Jaquie Phelan, Steve Potts, John Finley Scott, Robert Stewart, Fred Wolf
(official site)
Last Ride and/or The Great Vermont Bicycle Toss
This very special film features bicycle mechanics who once a year meet in the dense Vermont hinterland to smash, clash, and trash bicycles in order to rid themselves of their frustrations. The theme behind the film, illustrated by the mechanics who design, costume and destroy their outlandish bicycles, is the chasm between creativity and destruction.
(available from Edwards Films)
Last Ride
Little Miss Marker (1980)
A depression era bookie (Walter Matthau) gets stuck with a little girl, left as an IOU (marker). Only about 5 minutes of 6-day racing in this one. The track is a portable one, built by the same builder as the portable Atlanta Olympic Velodrome.
Need for Speed (2000)
So you thought you knew New York? Well, get to know an entirely different New York, seen through the eyes of the city's hippest sub-culture: the hard core bicycle messengers. They adhere to only one motto, 'Either you get better or you get dead'. THE NEED FOR SPEED propels you into the fast and dangerous lives of these adrenaline addicts and their personal struggle for freedom and independence. They are the last free spirits in America, or as Steve 'the Greek' puts it, 'I'm Marco Polo, doomed to New York!
(director Katharina Otto's biography)
Need for Speed
Off Road to Athens
This feature length documentary follows the top US pro mountain bikers around the world for six months as they chase international points that determine who will represent the United States at the 2004 Olympics. Off Road to Athens offers the viewer an unparalleled cinematic glimpse into the high-states, high-stress, high-energy world of professional mountain biking.
(visit the official Off Road to Athens web site)
One Less Car
"One Less Car" is a whimsical celebration of the 40,000 New Yorkers who regularly forego gas guzzlers in favor of "zero emissions vehicles" (also known as bicycles). One of over 6 films commissioned for the Live Earth concerts and awareness events of July 2007. Shown on the Sundance Channel and MSN.
(visit the official One less Car web site)
One Less Car

One Tired Guy (2001)
OK, this isn't really a bicycling film -- but, it's a uni-cycling film (and the only one I'll include on this list). KRIS HOLM defines new freeride mountain unicycle standards in this extraordinary collection of action and adventure films. ONE TIRED GUY features:"SKILLETTO" - Winner of a Jury Award at Telluride Mountainfilm '01, this film highlights Kris riding the Vancouver North Shore, urban trials, and very scary slickrock atop the Stawamus Chief in Squamish, BC. "WHITETRAX" - Think that mountain unicycles are only good for rocks and dirt? Think again. Watch Kris tackle mogul ski slopes, steep hardpack and a snowboard terrain park in Whistler. Winner, Jury Award, Banff Mountain Film Festival '03. "UNIZABA" - An adventure on Mexico's highest volcano, El Pico de Orizaba. Kris is joined by Nathan Hoover as they ride terrain ranging from rooftops in Mexico City to rock-strewn slopes on a wild descent down Orizaba's south face. Winner, Jury Award, Telluride Mountainfilm '02 and Kendall Mountain Film Festival '02. "FAT TIRE FURY" - Kris ups the ante with more big drops, narrow logs and high exposure on the guard railing of the Burrard Street Bridge. Plus interviews, outtakes, bonus footage and more!
(for more info on Kris Holm check out his web page)

Overcoming (2005)
“Instant Classic” Documentary Tracks Team CSC’s 2004 Season. One of the best cycling films in decades is now available through WCP. Danish filmmaker Tomas Gislason spent last year’s cycling season, including the Tour de France, capturing the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and the disappointments, the dogged pursuit of endurance and the emotional highs and lows of the team members and directeur sportif Bjarne Riis, whose impact on the sport continues significantly after his career as a top cyclist. The film, aptly titled “Overcoming”, presents in moving yet excruciating detail the pain and glory that characterize one of the world’s most popular sports. Not since Jorgen Leth’s classic “The Hell of the North” has there been a film that so perfectly distills the rich essence of cycling into gripping, cathartic cinema.
Pagan Rites in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom
An English professor relates the destruction of bicycles to rodeo cowboys and the medieval "Feast of Fools;" an American Studies professor sees the bike toss as a criticism of capitalist society; an economist explains the theory of motivation behind actions, while an anthropologist sees these "rituals" as a return to certain tribal customs, which may very well be necessary (and almost lost) in modern society. A spoof on creation and destruction--forces inherent in all of us.
(available from Edwards Films)
Pagan Rites in Vermonts Northeast Kingdom
Pedal (Book + DVD)
In Pedal, Sutherland documents bike messengers competing in the 2005 Cycle Messenger World Championships in New York City. Going straight to the center of this urban subculture, Sutherland serves up compelling portraits of the competitors from dozens of countries, in motion and at ease, checking out each other’s bags, lingering over modifications to bikes and bodies. Between events like sprints, distance racing, and skid contests, Sutherland shows us the riders’ elegant physicality, complex individuality, and unique community that crosses boundaries of race, gender, age, and class. And he doesn’t shy away from the blood and bruises that come part and parcel with the messenger’s life. Sutherland delves deep into the world of the messengers—a world usually seen from the outside—and returns with a dynamic document that evokes the unbridled anarchy and energy of its inhabitants. (more)
This 38-minute documentary follows the adventures of S.C.A.B. (Skids Creating Apocalyptic Bicycles), a roving gang of bicyclist- artist- philosophers hell-bent on ridding the world of automobiles. Using trash nabbed from the Madison streets, S.C.A.B. recycles junked ten-speeds and kids' scooters into nightmarish vehicles of urban terrorism. Between infiltrating events sponsored by tamer bicycle enthusiasts and wedging ill-fitting Huffies together with hacksaws and butterknives, S.C.A.B. members find time to muse on anarchy, consumer culture, proper bunny-hopping technique, the failure of the media and the purpose of art. "It's an experiment in phenomenology," says S.C.A.B. co-founder Michael Spelman, "but it's also nice to piss off cars."
(visit the official Pedalphiles web site)
Pee Wee's Big Adventure (1985)
The love of Pee-wee Herman's life is his bicycle. When it is stolen, he is send on a wild cross country adventure after a fortune teller tells him his bicycle is in the basement of the Alamo. Along the way, Pee-wee encounters an escaped convict, a waitress with wanderlust and a jealous boyfriend, and a mysterious female truck driver.
Pour un Maillot Jaune (1965)
A wonderful film of the 1965 Tour de France made by acclaimed and Oscar-winning French film Director Claude Lelouch. The film is unique in that it has no narration, only beautiful images of the Tour to tell the story! Recognized as one of the best films ever made about the Tour, "Pour un Maillot Jaune" has everything the Tour was in the 1960's and reveals the heartbreak and drama. Enjoy this loving testimony to the enduring appeal of the world's greatest bike race.
(description taken from Vintage Velos)
Pro: A Feature Documentary
"PRO" takes viewers on an unforgettable ride into the ultra-elite world of the superstars of professional bike racing: Bobby Julich, Chris Horner, Freddie Rodriguez, Mike Sayers, Gord Fraser, Henk Vogels, Mark McCormack, Jonas Carney, Trent Klasna, Michael Creed, Erik Saunders, Tim Johnson and more. These superstars and their teams star in "PRO", director Jamie Paolinetti's follow up film to the cult phenomenon, The Hard Road.
(check out the official "Pro" web site)
Pure Sweet Hell
Pleasure and pain, glory and defeat, mud and...more mud, Pure Sweet Hell tells the story of cyclocross, a sport that has emerged as bike racing's punk rock cousin. Told from an insider's perspective, the filmmakers traveled to 'cross competitions throughout North America, dug up vintage photos and film footage, and followed 'cross luminaries Justin Robinson, Gina Hall, Barry Wicks and Rick Hunter. Shot entirely on Super 8 and supported by experimental rock music, Pure Sweet Hell surfaces both the strong community behind the solitary sport and the grace that arises amidst all of its grit.
Quest (2003)
The Giro Italia is arguably one of the most difficult stage races in the professional cycling arena. The Quest takes a behind the scenes look at one of the worlds top cycling teams and finds a family underneath. Nine riders, one manager, three directors, three mechanics, five souginers and a bus driver journey for twenty-three days and live the drama, the dream and excitement of every pedal repetition, all selflessly fighting for Gilberto Simoni to realize his dream. Simoni, after winning in 2001, had the race ripped from his hands in 2002 by accusations of drug use. Ultimately exonerated, he has spent a year waiting to unleash the fight for redemption on his home arena and hoist the trophy of champion aloft for those who never stopped believing in their star. Heros storm the century-old roads of this most majestic country and fight to see who will be crowned the king. From the shores of Sicily in the south to the viciously steep Zoncolan in the north, these men seek victory and the Maglia Rosa for 2003. Along the way see the reigning World Champion, Mario Cippolini; make history by winning more stages in the Giro than any other rider and Marco Pantani wage what will be his last battle on the world stage of professional cycling. The passion, drama and excitement of this Grand Tour are played out across one of the most beautiful landscapes in the entire world. Narrated by Phil Liggett. Italian with English subtitles.

(Check out the official Quest web site)
Quest 2 (2006)
After the success of the first film, Greg St Johns (part of the CSI production team) takes us on a behind-the-scenes journey following the Saunier Duval team and including the 2006 Tour de France. See behind the scenes, with interviews with the entire team, plus interviews with Levi Leipheimer, Floyd Landis, Chris Horner, and Cadel Evans. Tons of great Tour footage!

A much anticipated sequel to first film, THE QUEST
The Quest 2
Quicksilver (1986)
Jack Casey (Kevin Bacon)
used to be a hot-shot stock market whiz kid. After a disastrous professional decision, his life in the fast lane is over. He loses his nerve and joins a speed delivery firm which relies on bicycles to avoid traffic jams of New York City. He soon is attracted to a fellow bicycler, Terri, and befriends Hector, a budding entrepreneur. Can Jack regain his nerve and his self-respect, and rebuild his life on a more sound basis?
Race Day with Robbie Ventura (2007)
Using bike-mounted cameras, this ground-breaking training DVD places you alongside pro-coach Robbie Ventura in an elite-level, national criterium race. You've never trained like this before, and once you have, you'll never want to go back to the old way. (link)
Race Day with Robbie Ventura
Rad (1986)
The story of Cru Jones, a young man who can overcome all obstacles that prevent him from participating in the BMX race "Helltrack." As he works towards his dream, Cru falls in love with Christian, an amateur racer. With the help of Christian and his friends, can Cru's "Rad Racing Team" defeat the top BMX factory rider, Bart Taylor?
Red Light Go (2002)
After getting to know a select group of hardcore NYC bike messengers, they and their fellow riders are followed on a series of harrowing races through the streets of New York City. The story culminates with the annual Halloween night Alleycat, a long and brutal race through rush-hour traffic.
(visit the Red Light Go web site)

Red Zinger/Coors Classic: Where it All Began (2007)
For the first time ever, a collection of Red Zinger and Coors Classic highlights from 1978 to 1988 and never-before released historical cycling films are available in one DVD set! After emerging from the Red Zinger, the Coors Classic became the ultimate forum and standard for stage racing in the U.S. The race was a career catalyst for some of world's greatest cyclists, such as LeMond, Hampsten, Carpenter, Twigg, Grewal, Phinney, Bauer, Phil Anderson, Alcala, Longo, and Heiden. This collection features a core sample of world-class, pro-Am men and women's racing throughout Colorado, California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Hawaii, in what was considered the fourth biggest race on the world cycling calendar. And at the time it was also the single biggest women's race ever held. Includes short films spanning the Red Zinger years shown in movie theaters; Coors Classic CBS, NBC, and ESPN network coverage; and Denver TV specials, documentaries of Bernard Hinault's 1986 win, the BMW motos used at races, and other race-associated projects like the bizarre Euro sport Cycleball.
(by --->Michael Aisner and VeloGear)

Red Zinger / Coors Classic
Return of the Scorcher (1992)
This movie was made by bicycle activist Ted White to show the superiority of the bicycle to the automobile, with scenes from all over the world. One of its claims to fame is that it's where the name "Critical Mass" comes from.
(visit the Ted White's "Return of the Scorcher" web site)
Road to Paris
The 52-minute European version of the groundbreaking documentary covering Lance Armstrong and the 2001 U.S. Postal Team over 27 days in April as they prepare to win a third consecutive Tour de France. Never-before-seen footage takes you inside team meetings and along for the ride in the team car during some of cycling's greatest races, including a down-to-the-wire Amstel Gold Race and the most hellish Paris-Roubaix in years. Unprecedented access to Lance allows us to follow him on reconnaissance rides in the Alps, on the very stages that would come to mark his dominating performance in July. Road to Paris also explores the strategic thinking of one of cycling's top directeurs, Johan Bruyneel. For both the avid cyclist and the casual fan, this DVD provides a rare look into the world of professional cycling. The DVD also includes 47 minutes of bonus footage and profiles of the 2001 U.S. Postal Team riders. Approx. 100 minutes.
The Road to Roubaix (2008)
Masterlink Films and directors, David Deal and Dave Cooper, bring you a film that goes beyond the limits of what broadcast television can offer. Road To Roubaix tells the story of the riders, mechanics, fans, and the brutal, unpredictable landscape that is the stage for Paris-Roubaix. The film combines rare, behind-the-scenes footage, stunning panoramic views of the race, and a collection of contemporary photographs, as well as rare historic archival photographs that most people never see. The film features the 2007 edition of Paris-Roubaix—the hottest in over 100 years—but the main character of the film is without a doubt the cobbles. (more)
Roat to Roubaix
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1961)
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
Six Day Bicycle Races (2005)
The riders were some of the best paid and most respected athletes during the golden era of sports…the Jazz Age. It was a seen and be seen event every year in all the major metropolitan areas of the United States and Canada. Movie stars, politicians, and gangsters mixed with everyday sports fans to create an atmosphere not found in any other sport.
Six Day Bicycle Races
Stars and Watercarriers: 1973 Giro d'Italia
This extraordinary film by Jorgen Leth recreates the magic of the moment as Merckx drops, on his way to victory, such luminaries as Basso, Gimondi, Battaglin, Fuentes, and a young Francesco Moser, bringing the Giro's thrills and disappointments home to every viewer. Stars and Watercarriers is considered one of the best films ever made on professional cycling.
(currently available from World Cycling with "The Impossible Hour")
Still We Ride (2004)
On Friday August 27, 2004 just days before the start of the Republican National Convention, a massive police operation was underway. By the end of the night 264 people were arrested. It marked one of the largest mass arrests in New York City's history - and the arrested had done nothing illegal. For many New Yorkers, August was the first time they heard of what has become a monthly ritual for New York City's bike community; a free-forming ride called Critical Mass. "Still We Ride" is a documentary that captures the joyous atmosphere of this August ride before the arrests began and the chaos that followed.
(visit the "Still We Ride" web site)
A Sunday in Hell: 1976 Paris-Roubaix
Highly acclaimed Danish director and documentary filmmaker Jorgen Leth brings you the drama of Paris-Roubaix in a film that became a foreign classic in the U.S. "A Sunday in Hell" is a psychological and dramatic study of the battle between Merckx, DeVlaeminick, Marten and Moser. Over 90 minutes of spine-tingling suspense that leave the viewer limp from vicarious excitement. "Merckx, De Vlaeminck, Martens and Moser - a gallery of great names clash in battle over the pave. We are mesmerized by Leth's perceptive vision of what a spring classic means. A true masterpiece of cycling cinematography. This is a must-have video for every cycling fan's collection." - Winning. Directed by Jørgen Leth.
Ten Speed (1976)
Two advertising executives compete in a 400-mile bicycle race from San Francisco to Malibu. Directed by Steven A. Hull, starring Patricia Hume and William Woodbridge.
Tour Baby!
Going from a complete outsider at the start of the race to standing atop the winner's podium at the finish, Scott not only filmed the race, he became part of it! Along the way he met and captured on film exclusive "behind the scenes" interviews and events that make the Tour de France so special. Scenes include Lance Armstrong in his hotel room, Robin Williams, Jean Marie Leblanc (Director of the Tour de France), Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen, crazed tour fans, US Postal Riders in the team bus and in their hotel rooms, getting up close and personal with the podium babes, Lance and Pantani battling it out atop Mt. Ventoux and the after race parties in Paris.
(visit the Tour Baby! web site)
Tour Baby Deux! (2007)
Scott does it again! Join him on another amazing adventure deep inside the 2005 Tour de France in this long awaited sequel to The Tour Baby! Scott lives every cycling fan's dream by following the entire Tour de France from start to finish filming all the craziness that makes the Tour the world's greatest sporting event. From mountain-top madness in the Pyrenees to partying with Podium Girls in Paris, Scott does it all. The film includes amazing behind-the-scenes footage with Lance Armstrong and his Discovery Channel team as he conquers the Tour for the seventh time, Cadel Evans, Robbie McEwen, Freddie Rodriguez and their Davitamon-Lotto Team and Carlos Da Cruz, Sandy Casar, and Bradley McGee and their Francaise des Jeux team. The film runs 97 minutes and is full of fun and surprises!
(visit the Tour Baby! web site)
Tour Baby Deux!
Tour De France Centenary Film 1903-2003
The great cycling competition Tour De France turned 100 in the year 2003 and as a way to commemorate this legendary athletic event, the folks behind the cycling competition offer TOUR DE FRANCE CENTENARY FILM 1903-2003. This is a history of the event filled with images and footage of great events, starting with early, rough films in 1903 and continuing to Lance Armstongs fifth straight victory in 2003. Armstrong, cancer survivor extraordinaire, is the perfect narrator for this celebration of strength, endurance and inspiration.
Triplets of Belleville (Belleville Rendezvous)
Madame Souza raises her grandson Champion and tries to make him happier with a baby dog, Bruno. However, the boy remains sad, and the grandmother gives a tricycle for him. The boy gets excited with the gift, and trained by Madame Souza along the years, he finally competes the Tour de France. When Champion is kidnapped by two MIBs from the French mafia, Madame Souza and Bruno travel to Belleville to rescue him, with the support of the elder singers, the Belleville Sisters.
(Note: Lots of references to Jacques Tati and Fausto Coppi)
True Fans (1999)
What compels three friends from Utah to bike 4800 miles from Venice Beach, California to Springfield, Massachusetts on a budget of $10 per day? 'We wanted to see if the country was as good as we thought' say Dan Austin, the Director of TRUE FANS. Dan takes the audience on an uplifting and humorous 100 day ride across America following in the tradition of 'On the Road.' This fast paced documentary won the 'People's Choice Award' at the Banff Mountain Film Festival and a 'Special Jury Selection' at MountainFilm in Telluride.
(available from BuyIndies)
Up and Down (1992)
Partly inspired by Dadaist playwright Alfred Jarry's The Passion Considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race, "
Up and Down" follows a group of cyclists as they struggle up the winding slopes of the Alps. Some cheat; some conduct business; and one wears a tutu! Written and directed by Luc Moullet, with Jean Abeille, Clement Bourtterin, Claude Melki, and Luc Moullet. (84 minutes)
Velorution (1996)
When the USSR collapsed, Cuba lost 80% of their oil supply. This movie documents how they bought 1.2 million bicycles, switched 5 bus factories to bicycle manufacturing, educated riders on how to ride, changed the city of Havana to accommodate bikes, posted bicycle signs, did job swaps to reduce length of commutes and in the process created more human interaction and community  A truly inspiring video. (27 minutes)
Viva le Tour (1962, Louis Malle)
An often-amusing study of the 1962 Tour De France cycle race by director Louis Malle.
(We aren't Blocking Traffic) We are Traffic (1999)
Chronicles the history and development of the "Critical Mass" bicycle movement, one of the most spirited and dynamic social/political movements of the apathetic 90's. In over 200 cities in 14 different countries, Critical Mass has now become a monthly ritual of reclaiming the streets by bicycle activists riding en masse.

(visit the Ted White's "We are Traffic" web site)
Wheels within Wheels (2008)
"A big-hearted, emotionally-charged tribute to British road racing cyclist Tom Simpson from actor Simon Dutton who visits his friends and family before attempting to ride up Mont Ventoux himself to pay respects at Simpson's of the most enjoyable cycling films to date." Derek Adams,Time Out

"Wheels Within Wheels" is made with heaps of enthusiasm, as actor Simon Dutton [recently on BBC 1's "Not Going Out"] goes in search of his sporting hero Tom Simpson with a genuine passion. This entertaining documentary has more appeal than just an out & out sports piece of film making. It has human interest at it's heart! " Steve Dixon

From a pool hall in London's famous Portobello market, via a dressing room in a small theatre in Glasgow, to the mountains of Provence, France, 'Wheels Within Wheels' is the epic journey, actor Simon Dutton ( now appearing with Lee Mack in the hit BBC comedy Not Going Out - BBC 1) took, in search of his boyhood sporting hero, Tom Simpson, one of Britain's greatest ever cyclists.

This fascinating documentary, made over a four year period, chronciles Dutton, who, in a mid-life crisis decides to go off in the tracks of Simpson, the legendary cyclist who tragically died on Mount Ventoux in the 1967 Tour de France.

The film follows Dutton on what turns out to be a sort of pilgrimage of sorts, where, as well as discovering the truth about Tom Simpson, finds out about himself as well. Along the way we have humour, pathos, and some vintage footage all backed by an eclectic musical soundtrack.
Wheels within Wheels
Yellow Jersey (PBS documentary) -- not available
A PBS Documentary from the Early 70's, showing the trials of the American team at a stage race in Canada.

(a few) Honorable mentions:
ET: The Extra Terrestrial (1982)
The Muppet Movie (1979)
Il Postino (1995)
She's Gotta Have it (1986)
Wizard of Oz (1939)

Cycling Film Resources:  
Bicycle Film Festival - in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo
Bicycle Universe - A good, but shorter, categorized list -- sometimes it has more information about individual movies
Bromley Video - An excellent source for cycling films in the UK (has lots not available in the US -- all PAL format, though)
Byke Culture Never - very complete listing/article on cycling films and films with bicycles by Séamus D. King
League of American Bicyclists - Working for a bicycle friendly America
Leg Joints - a wikiwkiweb site (editable by anyone) on cycling and other things
MassBike - Better Bicycling for Massachusettes
Rec.Bicycles - cycling chat board
The Bike in Film - An annual festival of bike films in Philadelphia which shows many short films which aren't listed here
World Cycling Productions - lots of bike films on DVD and VHS

Cycling Book Resources:
Cycle Publishing - We publish books on bikes & biking, selected other sports, and manufactured housing.
Human Kinetics - The Information Leader in Physical Information (link directly to HKs cycling related books)
Velo Press
- an endurance sports publisher focusing on the sports of cycling and triathlon
Wilms on Wheels - The most complete cycling book database on the internet.

For what it's worth, That's Rentertainment has a Cycling Film section (not for the films listed above but rather for the Spring Classics and other race films). It's in with the other sports titles. For a list of titles click here. 
Also, check out our Champaign County Cycling page for links to local cycling related things (and a few not so local cycling related things).
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Al filo de lo imposible - Rodando por ti
o melhor de mtb que assisti
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Cadastrado em: 13 Fev 2013
Bxda Santista
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Senhores, estes dias vi pelo youtube o filme "Line of Sight" de Lucas Brunelle.

O Filme aborda as Alley Cat races, dos Bike Courriers.

O diferente é que o filme é basicamente composto por imagens destas corridas, eletrizantes e de tirar o fôlego.
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